''The worst thing I ever did? Super Mario Brothers. It was a f****' nightmare. The whole experience was a nightmare. It had a husband-and-wife team directing, whose arrogance had been mistaken for talent. After so many weeks their own agent told them to get off the set! F*****' nightmare. F*****' idiots.''Something tells me method acting didn't enter into his performance on that one. Although, the thought of Bob Hoskins jumping on heads and eating mushrooms on his days off is an amusing one.Has anyone ever wondered how these amatuer filmmakers even get jobs or movie deals? And it still goes on today, with Paul WS Anderson, Uwe Boll, and probably others who are trying to get in on the game. Horrible. No wonder video game movies almost always stink it hard at the box-office. And just for fun, here's a funny review from a movie critic on the Dead or Alive Movie:''The action has more to do with digital effects than true martial artistry, and is targeted squarely at adolescent boys too young to rent porn and gamers too lazy to yank their own joysticks.'' --Critic Ken Fox, TVguide.com (EGM issue 219, pp. 24)Poor girls...they'd do anything to get their 15 minutes of movie fame...and I mean, ANYTHING. :roll:Bob Hoskins claims the worst movie he ever did was Super Mario Bros.
Well I don't see him complaining about how bad his Who Framed Roger Rabbit Game was BadBob Hoskins claims the worst movie he ever did was Super Mario Bros.
Best movie evar.
When I read the title of this thread I though he said it was the worst movie he was ever in. What he really meant was it was the worst movie making experience he ever had.I was going to point out that he must have forgotten that he was in Spice World.... LOLI don't think Super Mario Brothers was that bad a movie but I know I'm in the minority.
Nah, Super Mario Brothers was good as a kid watching it. But im sure that if I watched it now id laugh at how crap it is.
Lol it was definitely one of the worst movies I have ever seen, very poor movie in my opinion.
I always wondered how they got Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper to star in that movie. They must have really needed the money.
Wow. I have never heard of a Super Mario Bros. movie, but it sounds rubbish.
You know, I agree with Bob on this one. :P
I really liked that movie.. in its own cheesy way :D
I said quite a few F-bombs myself while watching that awful, awfulmovie. Thankfully, I saw it for free. Still, why would Nintendo allow someone tobutcher their best characters like that? Why?
I'm fairly confident that NO ONE will disagree with him here. And man, I remember a 20 page feature story on this in Gamepro on how they made the set and sprayed actual mold that grew or something like that to make the ''mushrooms''.Where does this movie rate in the worst movies of all time?
Yeah that was a crap movie, but for some reason you just have to see it once. Just out of curiosity I guess.
[QUOTE=''PanPizza15'']Well I don't see him complaining about how bad his Who Framed Roger Rabbit Game was Bad[/QUOTE]
Well the movie is awesome and I doubt Bob Hoskins had anything to do with the game.
It was good when I was a kid but now it sucked in general
[QUOTE=''ASK_Story'']Poor girls...they'd do anything to get their 15 minutes of movie fame...and I mean, ANYTHING. :roll:[/QUOTE]Jamie Pressly did Poison Ivy, dude. [spoiler] bathtub scene [/spoiler]
More like his BEST movie!**I do not claim that I have seen this movie.
Why must we torment ourselves by re-acknowledging the existence of these movies?
Thanks a lot, ASK_Story. :(
what were they thinking when they were filming SMB
At least he's being honest. Super Mario Bros was not only one of the worst video game movies, it was one of the worst movies of all time.
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