That sounds like a great idea. The Zombie Survival Guide is one of my favorite books and I think it would be amazing if zombie games stuck to a specific set of rules concerning zombies. IE: headshots kill nomatter what, infection/death with one bite etc. I think it's stupid that zombies are treated just like any other monster in video games and their contagiousness is pretty much disregarded. If only the George A Romero game didn't go bankrupt.... Two games you should look out for are Left 4 Dead, an online zombie coop game coming out for the PC in a few months which is supposed to be one of the best zombie games ever made. And Zombie Panic, a mod for the half-life 2 engine that has similar modes to what you mentioned. But if you ever decided to create a game like you mentioned, I would be glad to offer suggestions and help in any way. My Perfect Zombie game.
Thank you kind sir.
I've got a really good idea that I'm not sharing because I intend on making it someday...sorry. But a zombie shooter/RTS (which is what it sounds like) I think actually has a lot of potential.
Left 4 Dead! Left 4 Dead! Left 4 Dead!
what you do is put on knights armor then take out a chainsaw and you will survive the zombie apacalypse!
I think zombie games would be fun if you are feeling more powerless as you progress. Less weapons, more zombies. That's the way to go. You are more scared when you are running away, instead of fighting head on.
Timesplitters 2 has some modes in it similar to yours.
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