What do you guys think? Is M$ back tracking re: their claims of not requiring a HHD to play soon?XB360 - HDD Required Sticker???
Yeah it's [url=http://kotaku.com/gaming/not-good/microsoft-+-you-dont-need-hard-drive-but-you-do-but-you-dont-286456.php]here[/url] too. I just hope that the 20gb HDD is enough for a few games, no way I'm buying that 120 gig drive for what they're asking. It might be a good move for them to drop the HDD prices too but somehow I don't see that happening.XB360 - HDD Required Sticker???
20GB should be plenty but still think they should've included it in the core anyway. You're right though, M$ really should reduce the HDD if they're going this route and phasing out the core SKU. Very short-sighted of them though if this turns out to be true...feel sorry for those Core users.
I really don't like this. Consoles are loosing their simpleness. Best thing about consoles is that you don't need to worry about requirements. That's a thing for PC's. And that's also the reason why console gaming is doing so well.
That's fine by me. MS hasn't made many mistakes this generation, but one of them was not including a hard drive with every model. The hard drive demonstrated its utility on the Xbox with games like Otogi 2 and downloads like the Ninja Gaiden hurricane pack. Its kind of sad that MS is dividing its userbase, but it would be more troubling if MS held back game development soley for the benefit of however many hard drive-less X360 owners there are out there.
I don't mind. Probably because I have a HD. Still, as Carnage said, it would suck to know that game development is being handicapped because of the lack of HD.
This isn't totally unheard of though. There were a few N64 games that NEEDED an expansion pack to run, including big games like Majora's Mask or the campaign of Perfect Dark.
The expansion pack was a measly $34.99 though, not $119, not to mention you saw vast improvements on games that supported it, albeit didn't force usage of, you saw your moneys worth.Anyhow, I don't mind a required use of HDD, for cache purposes, but by god if I start see'ing games requiring a full-installation because the developers decided to zip all the data onto one DVD rather than span it across two, well, I'm going to be ticked.(I'm excluding Final Fantasy XI from the mix because of the nature of MMORPGs basically requiring access to any resource at any given time, rendering reading from disc slow and obsolete, hence the necessity to install to the HDD, not to mention the bi-monthly content updates)
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