Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Killzone2 vs Crysis

Hey there everyone...Ive been thinking.. what would you people prefer from these 2 killer games??? Forget which platforms they support. Base your judgements on graphics, gameplay etc (i know these games aren't out yet). Also mention why you like the game you support. Killzone2 vs Crysis
Crytek has proven they can make a AAA shooter.....Guerrilla Games still has yet to do that.In addition, the lush tropical and colorful settings looks far more visually appealing to me then Killzone 2's dark and morbid setting.....not to mention the fact that Crysis will have far more open-ended, branching, and interactive environments.The only thing Crysis has going against it is the steep system requirements it may have to run the game at max settings.....then again, at $500 - $600 the PS3 ain't cheap either....and to buy a PS3 to play Killzone 2 would be more then it would cost me to upgrade my PC to play Crysis at max settings and be set for all the future games coming to PC for the next few years.Killzone2 vs Crysis
Are you kidding me? Crysis. Flopzone 1 sucked, what makes you think this one will be any better?
Crysis looks better, but killzone is real close. I think its safe to say that killzone 2 has models that are either as good as or better than crysis. That was the thing I was amazed about in Killzone 2. Gameplay wise, I think we have yet to see vecause I can definantley tell you that the gameplay seems much more better in Killzone 2 than the first one.
My money on Crysis. . .
Crysis, hands down. It is the best looking game I have ever seen not to mention the incredible AI, physics and unique gameplay. Killzone 2 won't be a bad game but any means but I think Crysis will most likely be the best FPS of all time.
yeah killzone is just something for sony lovers to look forward to to justify their purchase... it will turn out to be like lair... a flop
I think it can go either way. Killzone 2 has a lot of potential, yet at the same time, the devs have a lot to prove. Crytek already proved themselves with Far Cry, but that was their first game, right? I hope Crysis takes shooters to the next level, but it can be a disappointment.I hope both turns out great...but I'm routing for a tie because I think Bioshock will get the highest critical praise because the devs are doing something unique, new, and fresh. Killzone 2 and Crysis looks amazing, but it might just be the same thing only with more powerful visuals.
Killzone is THE most overhyped game i've ever seen... bar none. the game sold like 3 million just because Sony said it was a Halo killerCrytek proved it can make good games
[QUOTE=''smerlus''] Killzone is THE most overhyped game i've ever seen... bar none. the game sold like 3 million just because Sony said it was a Halo killerCrytek proved it can make good games[/QUOTE]Killzone 2 looks like it's repeating that hype...but this time, I think they will deliver on their promise. But will it be a Halo 3 killer? That's the billion dollar question.But about Killzone selling over 3 million, it's understandable because the PS2 really had no FPSs, other than Call of Duty and maybe XIII. The PS2 also had Darkwatch...but...that's it.So Killzone was like the FPS PS2 owners were craving for. It was just good enough to be fun but not the Halo killer Sony made us believe.
I still find the amount of hype that the Killzone franchise has garnered to be disgusting. To have a Guerilla game even mentioned in the same sentence as a Crytek game is an insult. Hell, it's an insult for 90% of shooters out there.I plead with you gamers. Quit buying into corporate bull.
No other shooter stands agaist crysis in all its 64bit glory
Pre-E3 I wasn't certain Guerilla was capable of making a quality fps (Killzone Liberation is a quality game, but it isn't an fps) but post-E3, where an entire level was shown, I have little doubt that Killzone 2 will be a high quality game. That being said, from what I have seen and read, Crysis is on a whole other level than other first person shooters because of the incredible amount of environmental interactivity (one can mow down trees with a minigun! ).
[QUOTE=''AlwaysSoft'']I still find the amount of hype that the Killzone franchise has garnered to be disgusting. To have a Guerilla game even mentioned in the same sentence as a Crytek game is an insult. Hell, it's an insult for 90% of shooters out there. I plead with you gamers. Quit buying into corporate bull.[/QUOTE]Agreed. Killzone 2 would be nothing without Sony's hype machine. The game looks fantastic and the animations are stellar, but the gameplay looks so painfully average - the sequence where the player has to repeatedly press a button and shoot some kind of stationary transmitter is mind-numbingly boring. The fake Killzone 2 trailer showed off some exciting gameplay with utter chaos in huge destructible/interactive environments. The real Killzone 2's graphics are pretty close to that trailer, but the gameplay is nowhere near it.On the other hand, Crysis is aiming to do something completely new, something that has never been pulled off. Unlike Guerrilla, Crytek has proved that they can make quality games. By the looks of things, I doubt Guerrilla will ever make anything truly worthwhile for FPS fans.

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